Xrelais software for electrical diagram

Xrelais is a visual work environment that combines diagram creation, data visualization and collaboration features to facilitate communication and drive innovation,Teaching, participating and organizing using brilliant schemes

The schemes have proved to help to understand and preserve information more quickly and efficiently than the text alone. Whether in the classroom, in a room or in an environment, the planner can be the tool you need to reach your audience. This powerful schematic editor allows you professionally and appropriately to create organizational charts, Network charts and other functions to organize basic information. 

Compatible with all types of devices, and allows you to turn immediately from the work area to the full width screen perfectly readable. During your presentation, don't hesitate to zoom in on specific parts of your chart to highlight some shapes or text boxes, and move easily from one page to another. Once you've finished your presentation, you just have to go back to your work area to share or edit your chart.

